Mission Statement
The mission of the Purchasing Department is to provide efficient and timely procurement services while maintaining the highest level of professional ethics and integrity. We strive for excellence in serving the Barnard Community with courteous and dedicated assistance, providing necessary supplies, equipment, and services that offer the best quality, performance, and overall value. To fulfill its mission, the Purchasing Department seeks to attain the following goals:
- Procure all equipment, supplies, and services consistent with the quality, quantity, and delivery requirements of the requesting college department.
- Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended, utilizing open competition and impartial evaluation of alternate products.
- Assist faculty and staff by providing product information, locating sources of supply, and explaining procurement options.
- Provide training sessions on the procurement process, visit departments, and seek to improve interdepartmental communication at all times.
- Encourage utilization and development of businesses owned by women and socially disadvantaged ethnic groups.
- Promote good working relationships with faculty, staff, and students seeking procurement assistance through an understanding of the purpose and objectives.
- Foster fair, ethical, and legal trade practices that develop a strong vendor community and promote public trust in Barnard College.
- Develop and implement operational procedures that provide the highest level of service while adhering to state and federal regulations, laws, rules, policies, and procedures.
Useful Information
Douglas Maget, Director of Business Operations
(212) 854-6991, dmaget@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com
Alexander Maldonado, Associate Director, Purchasing
(212) 854-5205, amaldona@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com
Sharon Walls, Purchasing Assistant
(212) 854-8076, swalls@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com
Mary Millan, Purchasing Assistant
(212) 854-5204, mmillan@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
P: (212) 854-5204
Related Departments:
Accounts Payable
- Requisitions and Purchase Orders
- Federal Grants Procurement Guidelines
- Citizens Bank MasterCard
- Expenditure Policy
- Contract Signing Authority
- Contract forms, policies and procedures can be found at Contracting at Barnard
- Methods of Payment
- Preferred Vendors - coming soon!
- Record Retention Policy
The following Purchasing-related forms, as well as other related information, can be found on the Barnard Portal:
- Sole Source Justification
- Change Order
- Tax Exempt Form
- Business Card Request
- For Credit Card Request Forms, please email purchase@theabsolutelongestwebdomainnameinthewholegoddamnfuckinguniverse.com